
My process to create memorable
and effective experiences

Many folks look at design like it's some sort of magic art that moves people. While I certainly love when people think my work is magic, it's much more Carl Sagan than Harry Potter. As much as each design differs in complexity and purpose, all of my “magic art” is derived from finding out important information about my client and their audience, and figuring out how to connect them through my design. My process answers the following questions.



What is the purpose of this design

Before I do any work whatsoever, I want to make sure that my clients and I are all on the same page. The best designs have clear goals from the very beginning. Is the goal to create a website that revitalizes the brand presence online?

Is the goal to drive users to a specific page? How does the site benefit the client? Why would users be going there? These answers help create a roadmap toward a winning strategy.


Who is the audience?

Okay so we know the purpose – what the site’s all about – but goals on their own are pretty useless. We need to find out who’s going to be using the design and what those users want from the design. I work with you to create user profiles, learning what makes your typical users tick and what they’ll be doing on the website.

I find out their problems & needs, and how the site will help solve their problems and meet & exceed their needs. Once I’m able to empathize with your user base, then I can figure out how to create for them.


How do we engage them?

Goals? Check. Audience? Check. Now it’s time for the good stuff. This is where I work from the ground up building an experience that meets your goals and engages your audience. From user flows and sitemaps, to wireframes, mockups, and prototypes, I’ll build an experience that connects your audience with your goals.

Oh yeah, and I test my work with actual users to make sure that my ideas are vetted before moving into dev, so my clients feel confident in what I deliver.


Why will they come back?

This is the one no one talks about, because honestly, it’s the hardest to achieve. The best companies build brands that keep audiences always coming back for more. They do this by ensuring that their customers always feel value from engaging. I do this by creating delightful interactions and experiences that feel good, leaving an impression that begs for a return visit.

I create strategies wherein users’ doubts are subdued without them even having to seek answers. I create resource hubs that are distributed through social media, drawing them back to interact with the brand time and time again. Through clever, enjoyable experiences and solid digital marketing, I’ll keep your brand front-of-mind with your audience.

See my approach in action

Now we’ve covered “what”, “who”, “how”, and “why”, that only leaves “when”, as in when do you want to get started?

Now that you’ve seen my holistic approach, it’s time to call me in to create experiences that your audience won’t soon forget. Let’s harness the power of the digital frontier.
